This glossary simplifies essential vocabulary and commonly used terms to help you better understand fellow creators and developers.
Keep it handy as a quick reference! π€
- Asset – Any visual, audio, or text content used in a game, such as sprites, sound effects, and textures.
- Animation – The process of creating motion for characters, objects, or backgrounds in a game.
- API (Application Programming Interface) – A set of functions and protocols that allow different software components to communicate. In Unity, APIs enable interaction with the engine’s features.
- Build – A version of the game that has been compiled and packaged for testing or release.
- Bug – An error or flaw in the game’s code or design that causes unintended behavior.
Some bugs might add value to your game – consider implementing them as features.
- Blend Tree – A feature in Unity’s Animator that allows blending between multiple animations smoothly.
- Component – A functional piece attached to a GameObject in Unity, defining its behavior (e.g. Rigidbody, Collider).
- Collider – A component that defines the shape of an object for physical collisions.
- C# – The primary programming language used for scripting in Unity.
- Debugging – The process of finding and fixing bugs or errors in the game.
- Delta Time – The time elapsed between the current and previous frame, used to ensure smooth and consistent movement regardless of frame rate.
- Prefab – A pre-configured GameObject in Unity that can be reused throughout the project.
- Editor – The interface where developers create and modify their Unity projects.
- Event – A messaging system in Unity that allows different parts of the game to communicate when certain actions occur.
- FBX – A file format (.fbx) used to import and export 3D models and animations into Unity.
- Frame Rate – The speed at which frames (images) are displayed in a game, measured in frames per second (FPS). A higher frame rate means smoother gameplay.
- GameObject – The fundamental objects in Unity that represent characters, props, and scenery.
- Genre –
- Gizmo – Visual aids in the Unity Editor that help developers position and manipulate objects.
- GUI (Graphical User Interface) – The visual elements through which a user interacts with the game, such as buttons and menus.
- Godot –
- Hierarchy – A panel in Unity that displays all GameObjects in the current Scene, showing their parent-child relationships.
- HUD (Heads-Up Display) – On-screen elements that display information to the player, such as health, score, or inventory.
- Inspector – A panel in Unity that allows developers to view and edit the properties of selected GameObjects and components.
- Instantiate – The process of creating an instance of a Prefab or GameObject during runtime.
- JSON –
- Lighting – The setup of light sources in a scene to create the desired visual effect.
- LOD (Level of Detail) – Techniques used to decrease the complexity of 3D models as they become more distant from the camera to improve performance.
- Material – Defines how a surface appears by combining textures and shaders.
- Mesh – A collection of vertices, edges, and faces that define the shape of a 3D object.
- MonoBehaviour – The base class from which every Unity script derives, allowing it to be attached to GameObjects.
- Physics Engine – The part of a game engine that simulates physical behaviors like gravity, collisions, and movement.
- Play Mode – A mode in the Unity Editor that allows developers to test and play their game within the editor.
- Project – A collection of assets, scenes, and settings that make up a Unity game.
- Rigidbody – A component that enables a GameObject to be affected by Unity’s physics engine, allowing for realistic movement and collisions.
- Raycasting – A technique of projecting an invisible ray to detect objects along its path, commonly used for line-of-sight checks and shooting mechanics.
- Raytracing –
- Scene – A level or environment in Unity where GameObjects are placed and arranged.
- Script – A file containing code that defines how specific objects or mechanics behave in a game.
- Shader – A program used to calculate how surfaces appear in a game, affecting lighting, textures, and effects.
- Tag – A label assigned to GameObjects to identify and group them for scripting purposes.
- Texture – An image applied to a 3D modelβs surface to give it color and detail.
- Tilemap – A grid-based system for creating 2D environments, often used in platformers and top-down games.
- UI (User Interface) – The elements of a game that allow the player to interact with it, such as menus, buttons, and HUD elements.
- Unity – A popular game engine used to create 2D and 3D games, known for its beginner-friendly approach.
- Unreal Engine –
- Vertex – A point in 3D space used to define the shape of a 3D model.
- Version Control – A system for tracking changes to a project, allowing developers to revert to earlier versions if needed (e.g., Git).
- Viewport – The visible area of the game as seen through the camera or editor.
- Walk Cycle – An animation sequence that shows a character walking.
- Waypoint – A designated point in a game level, often used to guide AI movement or pathfinding.
- World Space – A coordinate system used to define positions and movements relative to the entire game world, as opposed to local space, which is relative to an object.
- Z-Fighting – A graphical glitch where two surfaces are so close that the engine canβt determine which one to render on top, causing flickering.